Friday, August 8, 2008

Energy Efficient Building Projects ... An Objective Look At What Engineers Do!

Working with other professionals on an energy efficient building project, I came across a situation where two professionals, normally good friends, got really hot under the collar in regard to who was going to do what on this project. It became a pretty hostile situation where they were not only not willing to work together but were ready to go for each other's throat.

I was really surprised that the energy efficient building project, that precipitated the whole thing became a secondary issue. So, I talked to each one individually and discussed that we work at pretty complex projects ... and reminded them of what engineers really do.

If one were to say, Civil Engineers design and build Civil Engineering projects, Electrical Engineers work on electrical engineering projects, Mechanical Engineers design and build mechanical engineeting appurtenances, and so on, ... that would be correct -- but it will not be the complete picture. And if you ask why is that? ... so let me elaborate:

Engineers solve problems!

Engineers do indeed solve problems that people have, whether to cretate or build a product, facilitate doing something simply, with lesser effort, more cost effectively, and so on and so on.

Now back to the situation on hand, I suggested to both of them, here we have a problem between the two of you, there is a disagreement, or a misunderstanding, or some other issue that has resulted in this conflict, so why don't we look at this as a problem to be solved, and ...

Engineer A Solution!

Well, yes we did get together, and I moderated the discussion amongst them using in progression, the
  • Red Hat thinking
  • White Hat thinking
  • Green Hat thinking

and came upon an understanding that was mutually acceptable.

So, what is Red Hat thinking, White Hat thinking, and Green Hat thinking you ask ... well I am going to leave that for discussion on another day.

Oh Yes, and do visit with me via my website where I cover my recent projects and a whole lot more.

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